Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rome: The Castle Sant' Angelo

Approaching the Castle from the Bridge

Metro Line A; Lepanto 
Castel Sant' Angelo is located on the banks of the Tiber close to the VaticanIt was originally commissioned as a mausoleum to Emperor Hadrian (117 - 138 AD), now it is one of the most historically potent castles in Europe, with a mysterious air emanating throughout the chambers down to the castle's infamous prison.  Also, after climbing the castle ramp (It's not too hard to ascend this monument), you will come upon one of the best panoramic views of the city.
Make sure you take notice of Raffaello's statue of St. Michael, and his chapel to the Madonna.

An interesting fact: A secret passageway (now not so secret due to Dan Brown's Angels and Demons), known as the Passetto di Borgo, connects the Castel Sant'Angelo with the Vatican. The corridor was used by Pope Clement VII and his Swiss Guards to take safe passage from the Vatican to refuge in the castle from Charles de Bourbon's army during the sack of Rome in 1527.

For the Leisurley Traveler: It is best to take a taxi here as the metro does not run very close. 
For the best visual impact arrive by crossing the Tyber over the Ponte Sant' Angelo (the Bridge of Saint Angelo), so you can view the various statues of angels by famous artists such as Bernini.

Hours are Tuesday to Sunday 9 - 19 h. Closed on Monday.
Admission is 5 €; free for EU citizens less than 18 and more than 65 years old.
(last admission 1hr before closing time), closed on public holidays.

One of Rome's many angel statues, 
this one can be found at the Vittorio Emanuele II, near the Forum

Next Week.
We stay in Rome, with Part II of my series, Art Without Lines, where I show you some of Rome's famous art- not in a museum.  Ciao for now!

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