Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rome: If You Look Like A Tourist, You're A Target


the mythical founders of Rome

In terms of your personal safety, Rome is a very safe place.  However, it is a city known for its petty crimes, such as pick-pocketing and scams.  In this blog, I offer advice for the Leisurely Traveler on how to best prepare yourself for your visit to one of the most active and dynamic cities in the world.

Below, I cover the major areas of concern for the personal safety and comfort of the Leisurely Traveler. 

Sarah and I playing Tourist for the moment 
(minus the purses and shopping bags)

If you look like a tourist, you are a target.  It is hard not to look like a tourist when you are in Rome, you probably don't speak the language, you will be carrying shopping bags, and you will most likely get lost.  The good news is Italians are super friendly and they love visitors in their city; they will go out of their way to help you and to make sure they do what they can to help you enjoy yourself.  The bad news is, you become a target for pickpockets, scam-artists, and thieves.       
Dena and I with our packs

  • Walk Like a Student.  Every year, there are hundreds of students studying in Rome, and the majority of them are never bothered by the petty criminals because they do not fit the profile for an easy hit; students are usually broke, informed, and they have an agenda.     
  • Wear a backpack instead of carrying a purse, and when you are in crowded spaces, swing it around to your front.  Backpacks don't look as inviting and are harder to swipe.  Also, backpacks have inner pockets and zippers that are safer places for your money and cards.
Me, after my first few days in Rome; 
I quickly realized comfort preferable to style!
  • Avoid wearing jewelery and heels.  If you take a cab out to a restaurant or a show and back again, that is one thing.  If you are site-seeing during the day, that is another.  Your jewelery and heels signal you as a target for the pickpockets and scam artists.  It's best to leave the jewels in a safe at your hotel.                                                                                           For the Leisurely Traveler: At this point it is worth noting that heels are a bad idea in general in Rome.  Not only to they signal you as a tourist if you wear them during the day, but also Rome is made of almost entirely of cobbled streets, which are very hard on your feet even without heels
  • Avoid forming confused clusters in open crowds.  If you are lost, or your group needs to convene, situate your group by a wall- this way your backs are covered and it helps remind your group to be aware of their space.                                                                                          For the Leisurely Traveler: Most street performers are honest artists who are just trying to make a living.  They deserve your applause and patronage.  However, the crowd you have just formed around them is a great place for pickpockets to work.  Remember at these times to be aware of your personal belongings.
  • Map out your destinations before you head out.  This way, you look like you know where you are going.
  • Be confident.  You are in a brilliant and friendly city.  Most people want to help you and speak English.  A simple, "Excuse me, do you speak English?" will usually get you a smile and a nod, and a greatly helpful conversation.  There is no need to wander about looking like a wide-eyed newborn deer that has lost its mother.

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